Dear Customer,

Door County Broadband has undergone many changes over the last several months to help improve our network's infrastructure. During this transitional time, we have made vast improvements in how our hardware & software relays an Internet connection to your home.

In order for these improvements to be fully realized, some slight adjustments need to be made to your home router. If you have our Managed Router (Router Rental Program), then you're in luck! This process will happen entirely in the background without any worry or consideration on your part. The sooner you are able to make these changes the better your service will operate. The changes allow you to utilize the new backbone infrastructure as well as all of the automation we have put in.
If you purchased your own router, you will need to adjust your settings to maintain a connection moving forward. We have put together resources for a variety of the most popular home routers to help you change the necessary settings to maintain your connection. If your router isn't on the hyperlinked list or you would like help completing the task, give us a call at 920-868-9100 and our friendly support technicians would be happy to assist as best they can. These changes must be completed by March 1st, 2023 or your router will cease to communicate with us.

Alternatively, you may enroll in our Router Rental Program for an additional $6.95/mo. If you prefer to "try before you buy", we also offer temporary routers for 3 days at no extra charge. If after those 3 days, you decide that you like using our router, we can enroll you in our router plan right away. If you decide to go with a different router, you can drop off or mail the temporary router back to the DCB office at 2590 Triax Parkway PO Box 54, Baileys Harbor, WI 54202.
Copyright © 2023 Door County Broadband, All rights reserved.

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